Be Our Guest

Pastor Rod Roberson
We want to help people find and follow Jesus!
Imagine a church
without the walls of religiosity, denomination, judgmentalism, hypocrisy, religious politics, condemnation and pious self-righteousness.
Imagine a church
that makes sense, a church that is authentic in its relationships and in it's message.

Imagine a church

that is vibrant in faith and in life, a church that is relevant to you, your family, your friends and your community.

Imagine a church

for people who don't like church. A church that cares for the hurting, the needy, the distraught and the discontented. A church for the millionaire and the vagrant.

Imagine a church

where race, culture and status are important, because we care for them all.

Imagine a church

where the sick find healing, the depressed find hope, the lost find direction, the aimless find meaning and every person has a place.

Imagine a church

for real people, with real needs that make's sense in the real world.

Imagine a church

for your sons, your daughters, your sisters, your brothers, your parents, and your friends; imagine a church for you.

Imagine. Faith Factory Gulf Coast

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